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city survey中文是什么意思

用"city survey"造句"city survey"怎么读"city survey" in a sentence


  • 城市测量


  • The urban planning sector is the executive body to exercise judicial procedure of examining and approving land use prescribed in “ one proposal , two licenses ” ( proposal for site - choosing , license for construction planning , license for project construction planning ) . the work of examination and approval is largely based on the maps provided by the city surveying & mapping team
    城市规划管理部门对城市建设单位具有用地审批权,行使城市规划管理中的“一书两证” (建设项目选址意见书、建设用地规划许可证,建设工程规划许可证)的审批管理职能,规划管理部门的日常业务工作正是围绕着这一审批管理职能展开的。
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